About Us SmartAS(es)

Serious products from not-so-serious people.

Smart Audio Solutions is a division of a larger company that has been manufacturing audio equipment for more than 20 years.  Occasionally a product comes to mind that just cries out to be sold to the Custom Install community and SmartAS is our outlet to get it to you (and who are we to deprive the community?).

While the cheekiness of our website is also our outlet for some of that pent up anxiety we get from working strictly indoors, the products we ship are of top notch quality and proven to perform.  Our website may say "SmartAS" but our products are either non-branded or branded only with the "smart" logo.

By the way, our feeble creativity can only take us so far.  If you've got an idea for a product that is missing in the custom install community that you'd like us to consider making, by all means let us know!  In this case, the "means" is by completing the form below or by sending an email to makeit@smartas.us.  And to be clear, giving us an idea is just that.  Should we make it, please don't come back later asking for a piece of the action.